Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Who Dies When Wimpus Lies?

Gulf War Lies


Lies about the Iraqi Threat

Lies about Profits

Lies about Arming Iraq

: The Gulf War Reconsidered, NYRB

: Gulf War Stories the Media Loved — Except They Aren't True, FAIR

: The Lies We Are Told About Iraq, LAT

: How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton

: George Bush Sr. Armed Saddam, CJR

: Bush Orders Millions of Documents to be Kept Secret, AP

: Bush Sr.'s Waiver of Conflict of Interest, Congressional Record

: Desert Storm Think Tank

: The Gulf War: Secret History, Stars and Stripes

: The Gulf War: Not so Clean, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

: How the US Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply, Progressive

: The Unseen Gulf War, photos by Peter Turnley

: This Is War, photos from The Memory Hole

Ambassador April Glaspie's Meeting With Saddam on July 25, 1990

Glaspie: I know you need funds. We understand that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late 60's. The instruction we had during this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America. James Baker has directed our official spokesmen to emphasize this instruction.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Wimpus' New World Order & Depleted Uranium - 3

Gulf War Syndrome:

Killing Our Own

Directed by Gary Null

After the Vietnam War, hundreds of thousands of U.S. veterans suffered toxic reactions, neurological damage, and rare cancers due to exposure to 2,4,5,-D and 2,4,5-T dioxin that was used in the form of the defoliant Agent Orange. Unfortunately, the U.S. military denied the problem and failed to heed any of the lessons of this chemical butchery. Instead, it expanded its harmful legacy to the current generation of soldiers and civilians exposed to new, more deadly chemical toxins in the Persian Gulf.

Join accomplished filmmaker Gary Null, PhD, as he explores the real truth about Gulf War Syndrome and the secrets about chemical and germ warfare that the U.S. government is hiding from its veterans and the public. Dr. Null uncovers the hidden truths about Gulf War Syndrome, including the deadly and toxic effects of armor-piercing radioactive depleted uranium, the use of experimental and risky vaccines on over 1,100,000 U.S. troops, and the indescribable chemical contamination and environmental devastation that the military caused during the Persian Gulf Wars.

In this film, Dr. Null relies on compelling testimony from eyewitnesses who served in the military, leading doctors and scientists who specialize in chemical exposure, and those veterans still suffering from the effects of their tours of duty.

Gulf War Syndrome Links

Official Government Resources

CDC Persian Gulf War Study Fact Sheet - Department of Veterans Affairs

Dept. of Veterans Affairs Gulf War Fact Sheet--Includes information on Programs available for Gulf War Veterans.

Gulf War Veteran's Homepage--Dept. of Veterans Affairs web page on Gulf War Vets.

GulfLINK--Office of the Special Assistant for the Gulf War Illnesses. An official Dept. of Defense site.

GulfLINK Declassified Documents - Recently declassified military and CIA documents concerning Gulf War Illnesses.

SVAC Hearing Testimony-- UNITED STATES SENATE COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS. Hearings on Persian Gulf War Illnesses.

Senate Veteran's Affairs Committee Press Release

Non-Governmental Resources

Gulf War syndrome linked to chemicals--UPI, April 13, 2009

Gulf War Veteran's Resource Page

Cover-Up of Gulf War Syndrome: A Question of National Integrity--Analysis and documents from a vet regarding alleged government cover-ups related to Gulf War Syndrome.

Burning Semen Syndrome - A survey site run by a doctor who is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Cincinnati.

Gulf War Syndrome Cover-up - From Covert Action quarterly.

Gulf War Syndrome & James Iredell Moss--Information on Dr. Moss and his research into GWS.

Yahoo's Full Coverage: Gulf War Syndrome--For the latest news on GWS.
